Laser Brazing

Laser Brazing

What is Laser Brazing?

Brazing is a method of joining two or more metal parts together. The primary difference between welding and brazing is that welding involves the melting of the base material, whereas brazing involves melting only a filler metal which is flowed into the joint to create a bond between the base parts.  A principal consideration is that brazing occurs at a lower temperature than welding, which is ensured by selecting filler metals that have a lower melting temperature than the parts to which they will be bonded.

The use of a precise and highly focused beam of light allows laser brazing to impart even less heat into the base material and increase processing speeds. Laser brazing is a flexible process that is experiencing widespread adoption, particularly in the automotive industry, as a replacement for traditional brazing techniques and in some cases an alternative to welding.

Advantages of Laser Brazing

  • High-speed, high-precision process​
  • Laser brazing is easily automated​
  • Laser systems are highly energy efficient​
  • Lasers do not require flux or post cleaning​
  • Simplified joining of dissimilar metals​
  • Minimized heat input has less potential for part distortion

Laser Brazing vs. Traditional Brazing Methods

Torch Brazing vs. Fiber Laser Brazing

Torch brazing is performed by applying a gas flame near the joint after applying flux to the part.

Laser brazing focuses the majority of heat to the joint, minimizing overall part heating. Laser brazing also does not require flux, reducing materials costs and post-processing.

Arc Brazing vs. Fiber Laser Brazing

Similar to arc welding, arc brazing is often used for joining zinc coated sheets in the automotive industry.

Laser brazing is also well-suited for joining zinc-coated steel but is more easily automated and allows for higher process speeds.

Furnace Brazing vs. Fiber Laser Brazing

Furnace brazing is good for mass production of small parts but the process heats the entire part.

Laser brazing greatly reduces overall heat input and is dramatically more energy efficient. Additionally, laser brazed parts require minimal cooldown time and are immediately available for further processing.

Induction Brazing vs. Fiber Laser Brazing

Induction brazing is an easily automated process often used to create high-quality joints and minimize oxidation and post-process cleaning.

Laser brazing is also easily automated and well-suited for high-quality joints but is faster than induction brazing and does not require special coils for different parts.

Discover Your Fiber Laser Brazing Solution​

IPG is a partner for every stage of production from research and development to full-scale manufacturing.

Our laser brazing experts are ready to evaluate your application and offer a solution optimized for your requirements.

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Whether you have a project in mind or just want to learn more about laser brazing, an IPG laser expert is ready to help.