
Skin resurfacing and rejuvenation techniques work by

targeting water absorption in the mid-IR to heat

and ablate tissue or by subtle thermal effects,

stimulating a wound healing response. These

applications cover a variety of conditions,

including wrinkle removal, sun-damaged

skin, age spots, and acne scars.


While both ablative and non-ablative

techniques are used, the latter

are growing in popularity.

laser tattoo removal  

Today, there are more medical and aesthetic dermatological procedures utilizing laser technology than ever before.  Applications range from mildly invasive procedures such as laser-assisted lipolysis to completely non-invasive ones such as photobiomodulation. This wide spectrum includes skin resurfacing, non-invasive body contouring, hair and tattoo removal, treatment of vascular and pigmented lesions, to name a few.  Success in each of these applications is largely dependent on correct choice of laser type, wavelength, and pulse width.


Photobiomodulation is essentially non-thermal process of interaction of laser light with specific cellular chromophores. The interaction affects cellular metabolism in a positive way, resulting in clinical benefits of tissue regeneration, faster wound healing, pain reduction, and functional improvements. Typically, laser diodes are used for this application.

Skin Resurfacing

Skin resurfacing works by targeting water absorption at longer wavelengths to heat tissue, resulting in limited and controlled ablative or non-ablative damage to upper skin layers. Clinical benefits include wrinkle reduction, treatment of solar lentigines and acne scars, improvement in appearance of vascular lesions. Pulsed lasers such as IPG’s thulium lasers are used to precisely deliver the desired non-ablative damage pattern.

Ablative skin resurfacing requires use of mid-IR lasers, due to increased water absorption of these wavelengths.

Laser-assisted Lipolysis and Non-Invasive Body Contouring

The laser-assisted lipolysis uses controlled doses of laser energy, delivered through a specially designed cannula to adipose tissue. Laser light from a diode laser selectively heats fatty tissue, inducing a cascade of thermally-induced biological reactions, eventually leading to increased release of intra-cellular fat. Standard liposuction techniques are then used to aspirate the liquefied fat.

In non-invasive setting, laser light is delivered directly through skin, typically combined with intense cooling of skin surface, at a relatively low rate. Absorption of light in subcutaneous fat causes gradual reduction in the volume of fatty tissue, without the need of liposuction or other invasive techniques.

The statements contained on this page are provided for informational purposes only, and are intended to describe uses for IPG’s lasers that are for medical instrument integration only, and not finished devices that can be used for clinical applications.

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